
06 Feb 2017

Distributed Memory Cluster for the Intersect consortium of universities

Funding Body LIEF Grant
Grant No. LE160100002
Project Title Distributed Memory Cluster for the Intersect consortium of universities
People Lews G, Wilkins M and 13 others
Proposal Summary The NSW research community has a deep history of using High Performance Computing (HPC) to achieve major breakthroughs across a diverse range of disciplines including astrophysics, bioinformatics, environmental science, information technology and engineering. As the use of HPC increases, the application-specific needs of the research community become more diverse, requiring greater flexibility as well as higher performance. The present facility is no longer internationally competitive, and is hampering progress in cutting edge research. The (quantifiable descriptor) cluster will provide a greater than 10 fold increase and will advance ARC funded projects in diverse fields.